Room parents are an integral part of the success of Due West Elementary. If you have any questions, please contact our room parent coordinator.
Role Overview
Act as a liaison between the PTA and classroom parents
It is helpful to attend PTA general meetings when possible.
You will also occasionally be provided information via email that you are asked to distribute to classroom families, preferably within 48 hours.
Compile contact information for classroom parents.
Act as the activity coordinator
Assist the teacher in planning all celebrations, projects, and special events in the classroom, according to the teacher’s wishes and per the guidelines of DWE and PTA.
Relay all activity information between the teacher and classroom parents.
This includes obtaining donations and coordinating volunteers, as needed.
Assist the teacher
Either yourself or arrange for other parent volunteers
This could be in the classroom or at home
May include special projects or tasks like material preparation
Recruit volunteers for PTA events
Information about these events will be sent to you from the PTA and should be forwarded along to your classroom parents.
Getting Started
The most important first step to a successful year is to send an email introducing yourself as the Room Parent to your class. Teachers can provide you with a contact list of names and emails. Please ask for permission that everyone’s information is ok to be shared. This should be done ASAP!
Compile your Classroom Directory with student and parent names and email addresses. This will be useful when communicating events in your classroom.
Share the Class Directory with the other parents via email for use throughout the year.
Reach out to your teacher and discuss their expectations of you as RP. Setting up a quick meeting may be most effective. Most teachers have a clear vision for the activities/events in their classroom, but others may want more help planning.
Donations for Classroom Events
The PTA does not cover the cost of food or supplies used in classroom activities.
Donations can be requested for each individual event/project separately – monetary or actual items. Please be clear that all classroom donations are suggested and appreciated, but NOT mandatory. It is helpful to make a signup with the teacher’s requests to ensure all supplies are received. (Signup Genius is a great, free resource!)
Monetary donations may also be requested for group gifts for the teacher if desired (holidays, teacher appreciation week, end of year, etc.).
For any monetary donations requested, you must be clear on the intended purpose and maintain a record of funds received and how they were used (receipts).
Parental Involvement
Encouraging class parents to get involved is key to a successful year! Be sure to give all parents the opportunity to participate. Remember that you as the RP are not required (though welcome!) to be at every event, activity, or field trip- just coordinate the volunteers.
It is helpful to give parents a minimum of two weeks’ notice to plan ahead if possible.
Please remind parents to adhere to DWE’s Visitor Policy.
Sign-in at the office upon entering the building. Go directly to and from the classroom or other location you are volunteering and do not “visit” other areas of the building.
Remind parents that if they sign up to “volunteer” for an event/field trip, they should NOT bring younger siblings with them. Volunteers need to be able to provide their undivided attention to the tasks at hand.
Many events/activities are open for all parents to come observe and, if okay with your teacher, younger siblings can come observe as well.
Food in the Classrooms
Be sure you have a clear understanding of any students with allergies in your class. If your classroom does have an allergy, it is imperative that you take this into consideration and monitor closely what food is being donated to the classroom. When asking for donations, ALWAYS specify there is an allergy even if the allergy is not applicable to the food item being donated.
When planning food for events, try to choose healthy, well-balanced snacks and beverages. Most teachers are okay with a small treat, but please be sure to discuss this with them in advance.
Staff Favorite Things
All staff members have been asked to complete a “favorite things” form. Be sure to remind your classroom parents that this information is available as it will help tremendously when planning gifts or surprises for the teacher or other staff members.
Teacher Birthdays
Children love to celebrate their teacher’s birthday! Feel free to coordinate a group gift, treat, etc. You could also send out an email to all classroom parents informing them of the teacher’s birthday so that all the children are aware and have an opportunity to say “Happy Birthday.”
Student Birthdays
Your teacher may already have a policy regarding what is allowed to be brought in for a child’s birthday. Please find out how your teacher wants to handle birthday celebrations and communicate this to the entire class.
PTA Activities and Events
To ensure the PTA activities and events are a success, room parents may be asked to help recruit classroom parents to volunteer and/or donate items. The PTA committee chair in charge of each event will contact you through the Room Parent Coordinator.
Examples of events/activities include: Teacher Appreciation Week, Book Fair, Science Fair, Reflections, Fun Fest, Student Holiday Shop, Bingo Night, Family Dance, Custodians’ Day, Bus Driver Breakfast, Staff Luncheons, etc.
Questions or concerns?
Please contact our Room Parent Coordinator.