The Elementary Science Fair is a wonderful way for elementary-aged students to participate in and experience a scientific project!

Due West Science Fair

We had a total of 36 projects from 37 students submitted for this year’s Science Fair at Due West! Science Fair is an opportunity for students to investigate their own question, go through experimentation on that question, and draw a conclusion based on their investigations. It is a really valuable experience to learn how to do a project from beginning to end and present your own investigation for others. We are so proud of every student’s hard work on their project! Way to go Pioneers!

All 37 participants were invited to an awards ceremony on Thursday, February 27th where they received participation certificates and ribbons and the top 3 projects from each grade also received placement ribbons.

The top winner for each grade will go on to the county level competition*. The Cobb County competition will be held on April 26th.

*Kindergarten participants are NOT eligible to advance to the county level.

2025 Due West Science Fair Winners


  1. Wyatt McKinney

  2. Penny Mez

  3. Ryland Ma

1st Grade:

  1. Olivia Nanninga

  2. Aaron Yates

  3. Reagan Schafer

2nd Grade:

  1. Kennedy Payne

  2. Will Hecht

  3. Dean Edwards

3rd Grade:

  1. Terrence Ma

  2. Caleb Yates

  3. Joey Stroud

4th Grade:

  1. Everett Robichaux

  2. Kyla Spier

  3. Jackson White

5th Grade:

  1. Brynn Barton

  2. Luke Yates

  3. Lily Mez

2025 Winners Moving on to the Cobb County Science Fair

1st Grade: Olivia Nanninga

2nd Grade: Kennedy Payne

3rd Grade: Terrence Ma

4th Grade: Everett Robichaux

5th Grade: Brynn Barton

PTA and Due West would like to say a special thank you again to Science Fair Chair Leslie Yates and STEM teacher Kristina Johnson for all of their hard work! Wonderful job, ladies!