The Elementary Science Fair is a wonderful way for elementary-aged students to participate in and experience a scientific project!
Due West Science Fair
We are so excited for this year’s Science Fair at Due West! Science Fair is an opportunity for students to investigate their own question, go through experimentation on that question, and draw a conclusion based on their investigations. It is a really valuable experience to learn how to do a project from beginning to end and present your own investigation for others. We hope that MANY of our Due West students participate!
All students grades K-5 are invited to participate.
Every participant will be invited to an awards ceremony on Thursday, February 27th, and the winners for each grade will go on to the county level competition*. The Cobb County competition will be held on April 19th.
*Kindergarten participants are NOT eligible to advance to the county level.
About Science Fair
The Elementary Science Fair is a wonderful way for elementary-aged students to participate in and experience a scientific project. Each science fair project must consist of a student-led scientific investigation (following accepted scientific methods). Parents are encouraged to guide students but not build the project. Remember, a good project is planned and developed over a period of time.
Instructions and Details:
Scoring Rubrics:
Helpful Organizers:
More information is also available on the CCSD Science Fair website: HERE
Need help getting started?
Take a look at the slideshow above (last year’s projects) and these example projects:
Helpful Presentations from CCSD:
Other helpful links:
Registration Information
Download your student’s Registration Form to get started! The registration form should be completed and submitted to their teacher no later than Friday, February 7th!
Science Fair registration forms are due no later than:
Friday, February 7
Science Fair projects are due:
Monday, February 24 - K-2nd grades
Tuesday, February 25 - 3rd-5th grades
Submissions information will be communicated directly to participants who submit a registration form.
Questions or need more information?
Please contact Leslie Yates: